Mom and I on the Brittania

Ah, old times again!

The McIsaacs

Kenneth, Jimmy and Alastair

Auntie Frances and Uncle Jimmy cut the cake to celebrate 50 years of wedded bliss.

Margaret, Gillian, Alistair, Christine, Stuart, Auntie Mary

For all your driving needs?!

Andrew and Chris feed the ducks in Stratford

Moor Street Station, revamped with the new Selfridges in the background.

At the Pub: Anthony, Dad, Mom, Sheena, and the Americans (I'm horrible with names)

Eva (or Rhiannon) with Mary and Rhiannon (or Eva) with Moira

Me, Margaret, Gillian and
Eva (or Rhiannon)

Emma, Margaret and Andrew

Auntie Frances, Auntie Mary, Gillian, Stuart, Alistair

Alex, Emily and Josh

Mom, Dad, Me, Joanna, Eva (or Rhiannon), Graeme, Moira, Rhiannon (or Eva), Kevin

Andrew and Chris in the Maise Maze