2007-12-22 Toronto


Home, with a cold (Asian Flu?), but still good to be back. Had a fine Christmas, same as always. Lindsay came afterwards, which was great, except for the fact that I got horribly horribly sick. No fair to her. We had a very quiet New Year's.


2007-01-11 Acapulco 


Family trip to Mexico. This was our first trip together since a trip to New York in 1995. I think we vowed never to travel together again, but we were in good form this time. It was a beachfront all-inclusive hotel, but pretty close to the heart of the city, so it was a very urban experience. The most notable difference from my other all-inclusive experience was that most of the guests were “locals”, Mexicans I presume from Mexico City who wanted some sea and sand.


I went with my parents to the beautiful old fort with a very nice museum. I was enthralled by the economic history of the City. It began its post-Columbus era as the Pacific port for a trade link with Manila.  That link, however, was just a few ships that took a once a year trip to the other side. 


The downside was when guy grabbed my mom’s gold necklace in a less populated part of the city near the fort and we had to fight him off. That was the second time that someone grabbed that necklace, so maybe she will stop wearing it while touristing. All in all, it is quite a pretty city.