2007-12-15 Brisbane


Went into Brisbane for a last round of shopping and a look around. I know the stores and their location now to a shocking extent, but there isn’t too much that can’t be found in Robina. The exception is good sushi and the cheaper asian food stores. What was a novelty for me, and what I discovered too late are the museum, galleries and central library on the other side of the river. Wow, once again I feel that Canada is put to shame.  Back home, and I’ll only pass through on the train out to the Airport.



2007-12-16 Robina


Pia from UBC fame swung by on my last night at Bond. I had my room all cleaned up and packed and was ready for a last night. Wrote my final exam, Sports Law (ooooh!) and then girded for a big last night. The time on the Campus pub was very good. Always nice to dance. Sadly the DJ played an awful remix of “I don’t feel like dancing (the Bond Anthem)” and it featured such a heavy and disconnected back beat that you couldn’t dance to it. I’d have thought that that song would be impossible to make undanceable. The after party in Surfers wasn’t so good either, maybe things were destined to be imperfect. The rain poured, the gang got separated.  Not how I had wanted to end my time there, but you cannot plan these things.


2007-12-17 Brisbane


I arrived in Oz with two checked bags, but left with just one…except it was so heavy that I had to split it into two bags to get it on the plane. I was on the midnight flight and I arrived at the airport nice and early in order to bag a good seat. Off to the cold for Christmas, although the garland on the toll booth's retractable arm was a nice touch. Had a good meal at the airport and then was off! Somewhat sad to leave, because I know it will be quite a long time before I return. It was awfully awfully good.


2007-12-18 Singapore


Passed through Singapore Airport for a few hours on my return to the Northern Hemisphere. The highlight was the new hawkers stands in the airport in which I could get a scrumptious noodle soup for $2. It was the shortest flight to get there (6hrs), but I was already knackered.