Flew off to Adelaide for a short trip. I originally bought a ticket out of Adelaide on the expectation that I would fly into Darwin and take the Kahn (train) down, or into Alice, go see Uluru, and then take the train down. Either way, winding up in Adelaide. However time, money and sadly desire (which I may regret) was running a bit low then so I just bought an outward flight and flew to Adelaide.
really liked the city! It’s about the same size as Brisbane, but has such a
different vibe. I just wandered about and enjoyed it immensely, even if the
excellent Christmas shopping in the heat felt all the more incongruent. The
real surprise was that the train, the very train I was going to take, collided
with a pick-up (a ute) at a level crossing and derailed causing tremendous
inconvenience to the passengers, but thankfully very few injuries.
I have a great aversion to zoos, I went to the Currumbin Wildlife Sanctuary on
the assurances of my mother that it wasn’t really a zoo, but more of a
sanctuary. Having visited, I can’t say that I agree, but it was great to see so
many of the domestic fauna that I just never happened to see in my travels. Alas,
I didn’t see a Tasmanian devil, because it was sleeping. The Koalas, which
slept in the open were admittedly very cute.